Thursday, April 26, 2007

i heart this guy

this is worth 6 minutes of your day. trust me.


Anonymous said...

he definitely knows how to push peoples buttons. I actually can't stand it when Christians go on there. It's like walking into a trap, except one guy I've seen on there from Rock for Life.
I liked his little comedic routine at the beginning, but I think he's a little (okay a LOT) dramatic when it comes to what we've given up. I don't feel "big brother" looking at me.

trevor jones said...

yeah you may not feel it, but i think its there. and at the very least it's there in legislation, which is a very slippery slope. but with that said, yes, he is dramatic, but i like it.

biz said...

The video isn't even coming up for me right now! But I have a feeling it's Bill Maher?? ;o)

biz said...

got it to work! and then I just read the two comments above mine. He's dramatic, you're dramatic, and you're both often hilarious. I'll miss you, Berks and Holls in Europe.