Tuesday, June 5, 2007

look who's growing up and hating every minute of it

if you haven't noticed, its been awhile since my last post. but its not because i am giving up. the real reason is because i actually have to work for a living. i know people think working for starbucks is cool and hip and whatever, but its actually exhausting. i am just always tired now. that, and i have no internet access at work. which makes blogging extremely difficult. one of these days i'll get back in the swing of things, but thats not today. i think i have to be up at like 3:30am tomorow, so i'm off to not get enough sleep. and on it goes.


Anonymous said...

don't you guys get a T-mobile connection there or something? Maybe we could split an account. I need to come by and visit, so let me know what your hours are!

Anonymous said...

I know you hate it...but it does get easier...and it is alot of fun! I loved it so much!

Anonymous said...

trevor, its garnet... what is your email
